Bees are vital insects
What can you do to save bees?

Why are wild bees disappearing?

There are several reasons why there are fewer and fewer wild bees and insects, including:
There are several reasons why there are fewer and fewer wild bees and insects, including:
Habitat destruction: Human activities such as urbanization, construction of roads and buildings, deforestation and intensive agriculture have led to the destruction of the natural habitat of insects.
Pesticide use: Pesticides used to control insect pests also affect beneficial insects, such as bees and other pollinators. Pesticides can kill insects directly or weaken their immune systems, making them more susceptible to disease.
Climate change: Climate change has an impact on flowering cycles and food availability for insects. Higher temperatures and irregular rainfall can affect insect reproduction and survival.
In short, the destruction of natural habitat, the use of pesticides, climate change are the main reasons why there are fewer and fewer insects. It is important to take steps to protect existing natural habitats and promote environmentally sound practices to reduce these negative impacts on insects and their natural habitats.
I'm going to install an insect hotel!
For an insect hotel to be effective, it is important to place it in a favorable place. Here are some tips for choosing a good location for your insect hotel:
Sun exposure: Bees and other pollinators need warmth to live. It is therefore important to place the insect hotel in a place that receives a lot of sunlight.
Proximity to flowers: Bees and other pollinators need nectar and pollen to survive. It is therefore important to place the insect hotel near the flowers so that they have access to food sources.
Shelter from the weather: Bees and other pollinators need shelter from the weather. It is therefore important to place the insect hotel sheltered from strong wind and precipitation.
Proximity to natural habitat: It is important that the insect hotel is close to the natural habitat of bees and other pollinators so that they can reproduce and move easily.
In short, to be effective, an insect hotel should be in a sunny spot, close to the flowers and sheltered from bad weather.